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Preparing for Disruptions: Messaging Your Core

Writer's picture: Scott AllenbyScott Allenby

Michael Horn wrote this article in Forbes after writing this piece on disruption in the independent school market caused by charter schools, technology, and the presence of micro-schools. Horn writes, “As many students and their families in the independent school world struggle with ever-rising tuition prices, institutions must figure out ways to rein in their expenditures and remain attractive while confronting the disruptive threats that are just beginning to appear so that they can stay successful—and, in some cases, simply survive.” 

Horn uses Ikea’s brand as a case study in avoiding disruption. By focusing solely on a singular ‘job to be done’, Ikea has avoided disruptions in the discount furniture business over the past fifty years. It doesn’t pretend to be something it isn’t, nor does the company invite complexity of mission in order to capture more market share. Instead, it knows it has a very simple job (to furnish an apartment or house cheaply and quickly) and focuses all of its energy as a company on successfully completing that job for its customers. 

The mission of most of our organizations, especially independent schools, is far more complex than that of Ikea. Families demand a myriad of athletic and arts programs, and high level academic courses in a multitude of disciplines. A rapidly changing landscape around technology and the constant pressure to have the newest, fanciest facilities adds additional complexities to the situation. Meeting your prospective families’ expectations not only feels like an impossible uphill battle, but every time you believe you have nailed your marketing in one area, a new program is born, requiring yet another pivot. 

But what would happen if your brand truly transcended programs, academic courses, and facilities? What if, instead, your brand was so deeply rooted in what you do and how you do it that the manifestations of that identity were all interchangeable? Having a central, wholly unique mission around which all aspects of your organization operates allows you to focus intently on your institutional job to be done rather than "keeping up the Jones’".

When you focus solely on the job your organization does, your content, website, and other marketing materials become aligned in a way that clearly communicates your value proposition to your prospective families, donors, or clients. If your organization is struggling to find this internal alignment of mission (not that this ever happens) you may want to ask yourself these three questions:  

  1. Would there be consistency to the answers provided by our internal employees when asked, “What is our job as an organization?” 

  2. Is your organization's answer to the question “What is our job as a company/school?” truly distinct from the answer your competitors would provide for themselves? 

  3. Would you have to change your marketing plan if your most popular program or offering had to be canceled? 

Do some internal brainstorming and research your answer to these questions. You may realize your marketing efforts are not built on the firm foundation you need  in order to navigate the significant disruption coming to your industry.

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